Never more Happy than Grateful

June 26
Surinam BBQ

Fun elders are good. And good elders are fun. But I don't know if we ever know if we are the good elder, or the normal elder, and the elder that the ward doesn't like. 

I have heard form members that planes in phoenix were not able to take off because it was too hot. there is a member here that has family near Nogales. Way out in the middle of nowhere. She is Indonesian i think so I thought it was funny that she would have family wasy out there. 

This week was not as cool. It rained, we didn't get to see our baptismal date again, and he haven't been able to get contact form that less active and his girlfriend.

We did have stake conference yesterday. Gary Sabin, the guy who gave the talk last conference about standing up inside came and spoke to us. He was pretty funny. If was strange because he reminded me exactly of Brother. Campbell. His demeanor, the way he talked, and the way he taught. It was a really good talk. One thing he said was that we can never be more happy than we are grateful. I dont know if that is a quote form somebody else, but I have been thinking about that for the past couple months, so when he said it, I was really suprised that he summarized all my thoughts about gratitude in a simple sentence. I really believe that it is a true principle. 

We tried to meet with a less active and his investigator roommate, who are terrible at correlating things. The less active answered the door even though he was not the one we made the appointment with because the roommate was not even there. But he had a bunch of friends over, so it was not going to be a good time to meet anyways because they were all smoking weed and stuff. But this less active has wanted to change his life, but has been seeking the motivation to do so. So we shared Helaman 5:12 with him on the door and told him he needs to refocus his values on Christ if he wants to actually change his life. Sunday morning he called us and told us he had been thing he needed to come back to church all week, but he had absolutely no motivation whatsoever when he woke up, so we gave him a pep talk and he met us at the train station and came with us to stake conference. It was super cool and something seemed to change in him that morning.

We went to a huge bbq for a member from Suriname here on Saturday after doing service. It was incredible. We had tons of Bami, ribs, pork, chicken, homemade sambal and ginger beer. The ginger beer was super good. I thnk food from Suriname is my favorite, and the people too.​


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