Goodbye to Zaandam and a really cool castle

Some people hate Mormons. Most just hate religion in general too much to bother to know what a Mormon is. But then most of them are really good people. The dutch people are very simple and down to earth. They live in small houses, have few possessions and are fully satisfied. It is remarkable with how happy they make themselves with so little. They just need a bed, a piece of bread with cheese on it, and 20 square feet with flowers on it and they get the most they want out of life. That is super impressive, but unfortunately it also makes it really hard to make them comfortable enough to let you invade their 20 square feet and preach the gospel. 

This week I am getting transferred to Den Haag. Zaandam was a short stay, only 2 transfers, compared to 4, then 3, then 4 in my other cities. It will probably be my last city. 

Miracles are that the less active member and his girlfriend that we started teaching that both fell off the face of the planet got back in contact with us. He actually got in an accident and that is why he was not able to get in contact. What is stupid is that I dumped so many prayers on that guy and now I am getting transferred before I can even see him again. 
Fresh stroopwafels

We were hanging up a banner with a big picture of Jesus on it in the outdoor mall and I have never seen so many scared people in my life. Two guys in white shirts and ties and Jesus make a pretty scary crowd apparently. It is a new thing our mission is trying. One banner has a picture of Jesus and is themed around the easter campaign about the Prince of Peace. The other banner has a picture of a thinking person and says "Got questions?" or something like that. The idea is that we get in a pretty exposed place, set it up and then try to talk to people and people that are actually interested will come to talk to us so we don't have to do so much weeding. Anyways, after 1 1/2 hours and only a conversation with a drunk guy, we were thinking about packing it up when this dutch young adult approaches us from behind, pushes me into the canal, smashes a bottle on my companions head, knocking him unconscious and takes his wallet, and sets the banner on fire. Just kidding he actually had some doctrinal questions about the Mormon church, and now we have his number and he wants to make an appointment. Then a bird pooped on my companion and we did have to pack it up. 
Castle in Muiderslot
We had a ward BBQ on Saturday and we invited and got commitment from about 10 different investigators and less actives, and none of them showed up. If they wont even come to a free BBQ I guess I don't feel so guilty for never being able to get them to church. The BBQ was delicious though.​

We went to a castle last week. I did not go in it but it was cool. It is called the Muiderslot castle.​


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