My Real Name is Kofim Tate

Belgian people are easier to talk to because they are not as blunt as the dutch people. But that also means that you an waste a lot of time on conversations that go nowhere. But they in general tend to be not so scared of religion. I think the Dutch are scared of religion. Or at least angry about it because of the many bad things that have been done in the name of religion. What kind of european likes Trump? There are a ton of dialects of Dutch. I have no idea.
Castle in Antwerpen

For Dad--the christmas markets are still here. In every city there is a whole area in the center of town usually ust outside of the church where they put up a lot of booths and food trucks. There are a lot of cultural foods. They also put up a lot of ice skating rinks at the christmas markets. We are going ice skating today. We are also going to play some pool with a recent convert.

In Ghana you have many names. you take your fathers name, and last name. Usually you are called by the name associated by the day of the week you are born. But there is also a name given based on whether you are the first born, second born, etc. After you are born, you also get a christian name and are baptized. So Because I was born on a friday, my name is Kofim but also Tate because I am the second born. We learned this as we ate peanut butter soup with rice balls and chicken with a member this week, It was delicious.


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