Raw Fish and a Witch

Sorry that I did not send an email last week. We were super pressed for time, and I got on for a few minutes I the morning, but later in the evening, after my comp was done, it was too late and we had to go home. But last week we had 1 lesson and that was pretty much it.

This week we taught 8 lessons, 6 of them being on the door. But we said prayers with all of those people so they were legit. 2 of those people are now new investigators, but their return appointments fell through so we have to chase them down. 

A dollar for the person who can explain this Dutch tradition of gulping down slimy herring. Gah!

Transfers are this week, and Elder DeBloois is leaving Emmen. He is going to Rotterdam, and pretty excited about that too. He has already been there and he really liked it. My new comp is Elder Stevenson. He is also from Elder DeBloois and Elder Knaupp's MTC group so I will be rolling through that whole group. But there are 23 elders in that group so it is huge. Elder Stevenson is from St George. I do not know where he is right now so I hope he calls sometime tomorrow so that I know where to meet him on Wednesday. 

A cool thing that happened this week was that we were riding our bikes, and somebody actually stopped us. A guy named Meshak from Suriname. He talked to us for a few minutes, asked us who we were, and then told us to come by his house to talk to him sometime. Crazy that he would ask if we could come by and teach him. He did all the work for us. He is funny, but we have not caught him home yet. 
The witches house. 

This week, we also had a Zone training. I don't really know anybody in the zone because I came from the opposite side of the mission. After zone training, we missed our bus, so I finally got the chance to try Herring for the first time. It is salty, but not too bad. I ate the whole thing in one bite and only gagged twice. It was a lot to put in your mouth at one time. Not too bad. I would not have a big problem doing it again, but it is mushy and weird to think that you are putting a raw herring in your mouth. 

Another interesting encounter this week was that we were knocking in an area and came to this place that looked like Inga Bamba's back yard. But there were all sorts of weird witches and dolls all over. There were a couple statues with heads turned around backwards and one with a demon surrounded by a bunch of people, so it may have been a voo doo persons house or something dark. But they were not home. 

happy birthday trouwens


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